Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Legion of Honor, Part II

The Legion of Honor is an awesome museum, I highly recommend it, is gret even when you are not into art like me. There were couple expositions of paintings and newspapers from France, I think they'll be over until next month, so if you can go and take a look.

The first thing that you'll see, that meets you in the center of the museum, is an statue of a guy, who of course is naked, (you have to be naked or showing an intimate part of your body to become something artistic) The statue is black, glossy black, pretty cool. We started to watch the rigth side of the museum, that part mainly contained catholic paintings, and a couple of Jesus christ. I was rushing taking pictures, and moving quick around the museum. I didn't even have time to pay attentiong to all the statues, paintings that were really intense. The left side of the museum has an exposition of some mummy. Is pretty cool, you get to see the real mummy and a model of the skull of the mummy showing the reason why he died and so on.

We spent at least an hour and thirty minutes, and through all that time Laura and I walked with a headache. Another reason why I couldn't appreciate more of the things in the museum. We walked out kind of happy that we finally were going home, that alleviated our headache and on top of that the tasty sandwich that we ate also helped. After having part of our digestion done, we walked through the fog. I was tired, my feet hurt and that night I had to work.

The museum was a great experience, and writing about the things that I saw and the ones that impacted me, helped me to find a side of me that I wasn't aware of; that I do like art, specially the type of art that is controversial, unique and the exception to the rule.
In the same way, I really like the pictures that I took. I got some really nice shots, I love my fish eye lense, it has an unique effect which helps you see the world of the picture in a different way.
Our way back wasn't any different, except that we felt the bus ride much more shorter and comfortable.

My favorite painting.

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