Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bye to public transportation?

So about 28 hours ago I purchased a car, it is a honda of course. However is not the car that I had in mind, is an EG-civic hatchback 1993, white.
I bought it because it was a deal, and I needed a car for the rainy season, getting wet should not be a issue at the moment.
I don't have major plans for this car at the moment. I strictly know this car is my beater. I wont abuse it, yet I wont work or change anything on it. Maybe some little things for my own comfort.
I'm planning on selling it soon anyways.
Will post pictures soon.

Monday, October 18, 2010

More Shades!!

Well, there haven't been that much automotive activity lately. Most of my gatherings have been social-really social. I even had to be the photographer for one. Then just trips to the clubs that just didn't work out, because engines decided to blew out, etc. In the same way. I haven't got anything new, no shoes, or clothes, trying to save money for a good cause. However, the only dollars that got spare didn't last long due to the new vans spicoli collection.
They are just sick, I love them.

Flat Black with a small blue tint
Awesome combination
My favorites!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Nostalgic Moment.

This was in my head back in 2008, when I was about to start school. I post it on my myspace blog.

P.S. Gladly it wasn't my last post haha.

So this is going to be my first Blog entry in myspace. Hopefully not the last one.

First Day of School

Ok, I started my second semester of classes this week at COM. I was excited and at the same time quite nervous. It was a short week, but it was enough to have an idea on how most of my teachers work. Most of them had a great personality, I hope they can hold it through the whole semester. I had a great week, even when weather was like crap.

For most of us, I believe, first day of school is exciting. We all are excited to see who are going to be our classmates, teachers, etc. But I bet that at some point in the middle or at the last days of the school year, we can get a little bit anxious to finish school, and be free to enjoy the summer. Therefore, we have mornings that we say: "I don't wanna go to school today." But not on the first day of school. (Thats in my case.)

Then, it came to my mind a kid from Mexico, who didn't want to go to his first day of school. To avoid that, he glue his hand to his bed with some kind of super glue. Just to not go to the first day of school and watch cartoons. Wow.



P.S. Gladly it wasn't my last post haha.


Flood in San Anselmo! February 29, 2008

On this post I remember I put quotes on the pictures, they seemed amusing at the time, and they kind of still are.

Flood in San Anselmo

About two years ago, due to the storms, the river that runs across the city of San Anselmo, flooded. Leaving many stores and homes in ruin.

On Friday night we heard that San Alsemo had a Red alert. My uncle works at a restaurant in San Anselmo. He decided to go to check it out and help the owners to put sand bags around the place. Oscar and I decided to go as well. To our surprise, the restaurant is barely 15 yards away from the river.

I thought that the place where the river pass was going to be desolated. But no, It was kind of crowded. Most of them, photographers and curious people taking a look on how big the river was. Oh yeah, lots of cops and ambulances were there. With out mentioning the reporters of many channels.

While I was taking some pics of the river, some resident of the area asked me how much time I gave to the river to overflow. I told him that 5 hours. Fortunately, my prediction sucked. It didn't overflow. And I bet that many families are going to sleep with out that stress, thinking in the water coming to their properties.

How to Eat Pupusas-The Proper Way.

Last weekend, I went to San Francisco with some relatives, and as something normal, we had pupusas at a Salvadoran restaurant on Mission st. The place was packed with people, and I noticed that a good number of people was eating pupusas. It surprised me that the people who was eating pupusas were using a fork and a knife. WTF!! ??
It was kind of surprising for me. I was born, raised and lived in El Salvador for 14 years. Every Salvadoran knows that the proper way to eat pupusas is using the bare hands. When our food was served, my relatives also used forks and knives. I started to eat my pupusas with my hands. My relatives and some people who were at the neighboring tables practically looked over with an admired look, just because I was eating my pupusas "in the proper way" with my hands.

Theres always an exception to the rule, yet that wasn't the occasion.
All I could think in that moment was:
"INCULTOS!!!!! Si siguen siendo indios Pipiles de Izalco, majes. Que esten aqui no quieren decir que son gringos. ennnndejos!!"
I knew that most of the people who was at the place were Salvadorans, I could tell for their accent. I mean, they were born there. I know if they were in El Salvador and start to eat Pupusas with a fork and a knife, they are going to be the ones who will get weird looks. Or in an extreme case - maybe even "puteadas"
Ok now, if you get to a Salvadoran restaurant and order pupusas, this is how you should eat them.

1.- On top of the pupusas, or on one side you may put the pickled cabbage slaw. (Curtido)
2.- Then add the red sauce on top, or wherever you want to put it.
3.- Rip in to the pupusas with your bare hands.
4.- Take a piece accompanied with pickled cabbage and red sauce.
5.- Eat it.
6.- Repeat steps 3 to 5.
7.- Enjoy
P.S. Never ever use fork and a knife.
P.S.S Watch out, they are usually hot when served.

Proper way!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Black and White, and some Color.

Most of the pictures that I take are in color. And it wasn't until couple weeks ago when I started to shot on black and white. I have to admit that I was never interested in black and white photography, I didn't want to look outside the box and appreciate the great contrast and perspectives that black and white gives to some pictures.
I've been shooting a lot in black in white these last two weeks. Here are some of my shots, and the last picture is a portrait of Jose, my cousin. I have to admit that the portrait is, so far, my favorite. Why? Well, the because of all the things going on in the picture. It's a panning shot, everything is on motion except for him. Thus, he actually looks normal in that shot, he was being himself and wasn't posing-being normal. haha.
The original picture was in color and thanks to photoshop I turned into black and white.
About the rest of the pictures, most of them were taken on a Sunday, September 19, 2010. I remember just getting out of work, rode my bike to the overpass between Lincoln ave. and Dominican University. I was determine to have fun, be careless about anything else but have fun taking pictures, and unburden myself of all that drama that life brings. There are two versions of each shot, the black and white and color. I didn't edit any of the pics. The black and white picture is a complete different shot of the color shot. I would have kept going but I got hungry, and when nature calls, you gotta go.
P.S. All the pictures were taken in the last couple weeks, except for Jose's portrait. And just click on the picture to see it at a higher resolution.

VW bus, a.k.a. papa cucon
Graffitis on Lincoln ave.
The new bike path by Lincoln ave.
The overpass.

Different point of view.
Lagoon by Civic Center

Tungsten color
Normal colors

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fatlace KLssic. Part II

The drifting part. Indeed it is fun to see drifting, specially when they crash. Thus, getting the media pass gave me that opportunity to feel like the freelance photographer, or reporter that I was supposed to be for Street-touring.com before they went down.
As always the guys from FATLACE found a nice spot in vallejo to place the mini track to go sideways. It had plenty of space to have some amateur drifting. The were little islands around the track for the photographers, but there were sections that were hard to distinguish if it was part of the track or space for spectators...that almost got me run over by a 240sx I saw the car coming then went behind my back and almost run over. If I had not move 3 or 4 feet I would've got fuck, and bad. Thank God nothing bad happened.
There were really nice cars drifting, a lot of 240's, AE86, an old school USDM corolla, a 350z, and a Hyundai...yes a hyundai.
Something that I've noticed in the drifting scene is that the drivers, most, not all but most of them have a high sence of style.
Unique hairstyles, apparel, etc. And yeah some of them are pretty chill.
The were was not such thing as competition going it was just free laps around the track, some went on groups, others in solo sessions and so on. It was a fun day, but something that bothered me was the heat and that I hardly got good pics of the cars drifting. Some were underexposed, others overexposed...no panning at all. Just chaos that made me quite upset, and it was also my first time shooting with a telephoto lens, the cheap one that cost like $300, yet it helped me capture some detail. But I have to keep shooting to get good at it.

I think the heat and the absence of clean hondas made Edson desperate to leave early. Once in the car we had some issues with the car alarm. However it was nothing that Edson couldn't handle. That kid is going deep into cars, he is even taking a body work class. I think he is going to end up painting my future poss.
It was a good day overall, I got to see Jason and Johnny and had some fun.
Just hope the next gathering, show, meet, whatever the same group comes. Good times are made by those with whom you enjoy being with.

Enjoy the pics.

Ruckus gang, those things were sick!!

This is the guy who almost ran me over.
Did I mention the sense of style that these guys have? I guess props to this guy for rocking the pink jeans.
Some cool cat!
240sx kuoki! love that car.

L to R: Tarci, Abraham and Edson

Heading to the car
It took three people to peel out the cover of a sticker.
The look of a creeper! slightly out of focus.