Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hard Drive Wipe Out!!!! FAIL

I wouldn't be posting this if I had updated, and posted my pictures, but for some reason I didn't do it. And now here I am, why? because my hard drive-where all 2000 pictures were- decided to crash.
Do you guys want a clear comparison of what happened to my hard drive:
Kurt Cobain blew his head off with a shot gun, then you come in and try to put his head, brain pieces, and so on together into its originall shape.

I know some messed up shit.


Ok, good thing is that this won't be another useless post with out pictures. There are some from Edson's 21st Bday, and the trip to CMI.

On Saturday, my brother from other mom and dad, turned 21. I'll make it short, it was a blast. Got to the place ready to sleep over, because:
1)We are responsible and don't drink and drive.
2)We were going to CMI the next morning.

We all had fun, it was a small gathering. Friends and family only, no random chicks, no drama, nothing. Sharing some time with these kids meant a lot to me, specially celebrating Edson's bday. Why? this kid has done things for me, as well as all the guys in the following post. I'm glad that I have them as my friends. I wouldn't ask for a better group of people to be in my life. We laughed so much that night, even Irvin Santos decided to touch my expensive lens. The one that makes my camera gear more expensive than my car/make it go up in value as well. I was freaking out.
But instead of writting the whole essay on we went down that night, I'll let the pictures do the talk.
P.S. Burgos' tacos are the shit!

Thumbs up for being in dept! This where Carlos would say: "Being in depth makes a me a sexy ass mother fuuuuckker"

Feel free to insert a quote: "....."

Don't fuck with him...Here apparently he was irritated by me, I was taking pictures and taking his hat off as well. hehe.

Here Edson was bidding left and right for a $2 dollar case for his iphone. The ones hag chill on your belt and make you look like an old man that has prostate gland issues due to non-sexual activity and too much spicy food.

Cracking up at someone's joke that for sure wasn't funny at all.

Feel free to insert a quote: "..."
Trying to be serious business like Edson, repping my nwp4life tee.
Light Weight hella drunk vtec powa!
Here is where Edson and Johnny decided to bet who was faster if Edson figuring out that puzzle or Johnny putting on his shoes with out looking. The public (the rest of us, watched in silent, it was intense)
Johnny lost.
And passed out...
Ricey Mark!
Smile Mark, you can see my fat there....135 lbs and going strong!
Irvin and Carlos were still in shock after seeing the competition between Johnny and Edson.

Friends and family!

Irvin trying to figure out what the symbols on the cake meant.

This were Irvin touched my lens.
The face of man who is going to hell for being in debt. If being debt could make people sexy. Carlos would be the model of it.
Here is Irvin talking on how he and Mark out-bidded Edson in the Ebay auction for like $30 dollars when the originall price was .50 cents + 10.95 of shipping and handling lol
I just said smile and made Edson ROFL like no other.

Familia Burgos

One of like 3 pictures of my car, next to the hella flat halo green EG!

Here are some pics of what went down at the Sacramento Raceway.
Perhaps I would've have more pictures, but I was hung over. I personally feel that I've lost the eye for photography, is momentarly. Just the things I've been going through. But I'm back, and coming big.

Ok, about this event. Maybe because I still had alcohol in my system I forgot that there was a show. I was prepared to seat under the sun and see little civics hit the track and run 11's all day long.
I was walking through the pits area when I noticed two blue cars, one that belongs to Jeremy one of the OG guys at RED ZONE Performance. His friend in his blue EG, and Harvey in his red Del Sol.

Boosted K20
Not sure if it was an original Type R, but it was clean, looked like the owner was still working on it.
These cars are "show me some tits, neck breaker, Edson serious business" status.

Pretty sure that the RHD integra will eat that supra alive. I know but you'll see why later on.

Is late, and I need to catch some sleep. Will come back with the second part of CMI. Apologies if you see any grammar mistakes.